Department of Organization and Management

Department of Organisation and Management

st. Armii Krajowej 101, 81-824 Sopot

(+48 58) 523 14 17

58 5231175


Department of Organization and Management

The Department dates back to 1963, when Professor Alfred Czermiński created the Department of Business Economics in the Academy of Economics. Reorganisation of the Academy and creation of the University of Gdansk in 1970 placed the Department in the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Production Economics Faculty.

In the beginning of 1970s economics studies have been reformed. This caused an increase in the number of students and development of the Department. Due to an initiative and commitment of Professor Alfred Czermiński a new part of the building was constructed. On 17 September 1973 an Institute of Organisation and Management was created. It was based on the old Department of Business Economics, strengthened by newly employed Professor Aurelia Polańska and Professor Władysław Ejsmont. In the beginning it consisted of four units employing 25 academic and research members and five administration and technical assistants.

For many years members of the Institute have formed a so-called Sopot School of Management, an environment for economists who combine psycho-sociological aspects of organisation with structural elements and strategy. The Sopot School of Management mainly focuses on practical aspects of management. Since 2019 the Institute was renamed as the Department of Organization and Management.

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Submitted on Thursday, 5. September 2024 - 13:41 by Krzysztof Kowalczyk Changed on Thursday, 5. September 2024 - 13:45 by Krzysztof Kowalczyk