Department of Business Informatics

Department of Business Informatics

st. Piaskowa 9, 81-864 Sopot

(+48 58) 523 14 00



Beginnings of the academic and research work of the Department date back to 1967, initiated by Professor Władysław Nowaczek. It underwent several organisational and name changes, current name has been in place since 1991.

Team of staff members carry out research, academic and organisational work. Main research areas are:

·         business information technology

·         IT applications in business

·         analysis and design of information systems

·         UML, SysML, BPMN languages

·         SCRUM approach

·         ERP and CRM systems

·         e-business, e-learning

·         social media in business

·         Big Data

Department teaches IT classes in the Faculty of Management courses. Two undergraduate and postgraduate studies are on Department’s offer:

- IT Applications in Business, formed thanks to financial support from European Funds. Since academic year 2016/17 this course  is offered on both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

- Business Informatics,  extramural postgraduate studies.

The Department is active in many initiatives in teaching organisations, both nationally and internationally. Some of these include: 

- initiation in 1988 of the cyclical international conference Information Systems Development,

- initiation of formation of national Business Infotmatics Research Society (NTIE) in 1995,

- initiation of The Polish Chapter of international organization o Business Informatics scholars -  Association for Information Systems PLAIS in 2006, 

- organisation of an annual international seminar Eurosymposium on Systems Analysis and Design,

- Department is a member of international consortium ERCIS –European Research Center for Information Systems in Muenster.

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Submitted on Wednesday, 4. September 2024 - 11:38 by Krzysztof Kowalczyk Changed on Wednesday, 4. September 2024 - 11:40 by Krzysztof Kowalczyk