Department of Corporate Finance
Department of Corporate Finance
st. Armii Krajowej 101, 81-824 Sopot
(+48 58) 523 14 92
The Department of Corporate Finance at the University of Gdansk is a renowned academic and research unit, comprised of highly qualified staff who combine academic work at domestic and foreign universities, specialising in the fields of corporate finance, financial statement analysis, financial reporting, financial and project management, financial analysis, corporate governance and consulting.
The Department conducts many projects, including academic and practical ones, and cooperates with foreign academics and universities. Our staff members publish papers in many high-quality national and international journals and are authors and co-authors of several books.
The Department offers post diploma studies in controlling and corporate governance, as well as the specialisation in corporate finance taught in English according to CFA Institute requirements.
By participating in the classes delivered by the academic staff of the Department of Corporate Finance, students will acquire knowledge and competencies in the following areas:
- corporate finance,
- financial reporting,
- financial statement analysis
- controlling,
- corporate governance,
- internal and external audit.
As part of the learning process, our students have opportunities to participate in competitions at national and international levels, including the CFA Institute Research Challenge, the EY Challenger or conferences for young scientists. Students can also join our Scientific Club (KNAFiC) and engage in various projects that build up professional experience.
We invite you to learn more about our research and academic activities.