Information for students: group Financial Analyst (6th semester)
Information for students on the postponement of practical exercises in the course
on a full-time basis; first degree
towards Finance and Accounting
group Financial Analyst
scheduled on (date) Tuesdays (I week) at (hour) 13.30 classroom WZ-2013
postponed to (date)
- 25.03.2025 od 13.30 3h
- 01.04.2025 od 13.30 3h
- 04.04.2025 od 8.45 – 11.15 3h
- 8.04.2025 od 13.30 3h
- 1 h final test 10.06.2025 13.30.
Information for students: group S11-61
Information for students: the lecture and practical class in Probability Concepts scheduled for 07.03.2025 from 11:30 to 13:00 and from 13:30 to 15:00 in room 238 is cancelled
First year, Financial Analyst
group S11-61
Lecture and class will be rescheduled to a day that will be agreed with students during the next lecture.
Calendar for the summer term (24.02.2025 - 30.09.2025)
24.02.2025 (Monday) - 20.06.2025(Friday): teaching activities
20.03.2025: University of Gdansk Celebration Day (classes are held as scheduled)
18.04.2025 - 22.04.2025: Spring holiday break
28.04.2025 - 30.04.2025, and 2.05.2025, and 4.05.2025 - Day off established by the Rector of the UG
8.06.2025 - Day off established by the Rector of the UG
20.06.2025 - Day off established by the Rector of the UG
Wednesday 18.06 (Week 1) classes conducted according to the schedule for Friday Week 2
21.06.2025 - 06.07.2025: Examination session excluding classes
01.09.2025 - 14.09.2025: Revision session
Information for students about changes in the organization of the academic year 2024/2025.
We would like to remind you that in accordance with Order No. 9/2024/2025 of the Dean of the Faculty of Management of the University of Gdańsk of 12 November 2024 regarding the announcement of the Dean's Day and changing the organization of the academic year 2024/2025, classes falling on 23 December 2024 will be conducted on 27 January 2025.
Lectures and classes in Corporate Finance - online
Dear Students,
Due to health circumstances, it is necessary to conduct the majority of the remaining lectures and classes in Corporate Finance this semester online, with the approval of Dean Dr. Sabina Nowak.
The upcoming session (Lecture and Class 5), scheduled for January 20, 2025, will take place at the same time but in an online format. The meeting link is provided below:
The following session (Lecture and Class 6), rescheduled to January 27, 2025 (originally planned for December 23, 2024, as per Dean’s directive), will also occur online at the usual time. The meeting link is provided below:
The final session, scheduled for February 3, 2025, will be conducted on-site at the Faculty, as it includes the class test.
Additionally, the exam, planned for Friday, February 7, 2025, from 9:45 to 11:15, will take place on-site in room A-119.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the necessary reorganization of the teaching format.
Julia Koralun-Bereźnicka
Information for students
Information for full-time undergraduate students, semesters 3 and 5
All changes to elective lecture enrollment, including manual reassignment to lectures and adding students who forgot to enrol, have been completed.
If you have any further requests regarding this matter, please submit a written application in person to the full-time dean's office (room 103) within 21-23 October 2024.
Applications will be processed on October 24, 2024, and no further changes will be possible after this date.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP elective course with Lecturer: J. Próchniak
ENTREPRENEURSHIP elective course (Lecturer: J. Próchniak) scheduled on Tuesday 15th of Oct, will start at. 2.00 PM
Meeting with the IT Officer
Full-time Freshman and Erasmus students are invited to attend a meeting with the IT Officer on Wednesday, 16th October at 9:30 AM in room B-22. If you are experiencing any issues with the Faculty's IT systems (Student's Portal, MsTeams etc.), your participation is encouraged.
Public holidays
Dear students,
The following public holidays are set for the current academic year:
1) from 31 October 2024 to 3 November 2024;
2) 11 November 2024;
3) 28 April 2025 to 04 May 2025;
4) 8 June 2025;
5) 19 June 2025.
Psychology classes for group S11-61 with Dr. Adam Jagiełło-Rusiłowski
Psychology classes for group S11-61 with Dr. Adam Jagiełło-Rusiłowski will be held ONLY on specific dates:
from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.