Master studies

Magdalena Gostkowska-Drzewicka, PhD

Master's Seminar

The master's seminar aims to deepen students' knowledge on various aspects of financial management in enterprises, such as the analysis of internal and external factors shaping a company's financial condition, particularly profitability and financing structure. Students use a variety of tools, including financial condition ratio analysis, surveys, company valuation methods based on cash flows, and create financial forecasts to support investment decision-making. Students conduct analyses at the sectoral level, both domestically and internationally. Additionally, the seminar covers the analysis of a company's standing in the context of real economic events, sectoral conditions, and macroeconomic factors. The master's theses aim to understand the connections between a company's situation and financial decisions, the specifics of the sector in which the company operates, and its macro environment. This aims to deepen knowledge about the company's relationships with its environment and understand complex financial phenomena.

Sample Master's Thesis Topics:

  • The Impact of Selected Behavioral Finance Factors on Investing and Daily Life
  • Analysis of Financial Liquidity in Drugstore Chains
  • Crowdfunding as an Alternative Source of Project Financing
  • Sources of Financing Sports Clubs Based on Selected Skating Associations in Poland
  • Analysis and Evaluation of the Profitability of Selected Companies in the Retail Sector
  • Capital Structure Determinants of Companies in the Aviation Sector
  • Equity Crowdfunding in Poland Compared to Europe
  • Capital Structure of Selected Companies in the IT Sector
  • Comparative Analysis of Financial Liquidity Based on Companies in the Fuel Sector in Poland
  • Profitability Analysis and Its Factors on the Example of a Planned Project

Ewa Majerowska, Associate Prof.

Master's Seminar

The seminar will cover a broad analysis of financial markets currently operating, in particular capital markets. The issues discussed include the characteristics of basic institutions operating on the capital market, their functions and tasks, as well as the characteristics of financial instruments used in this market. Methods of empirical analysis of rates of return on securities listed on the stock exchange, analysis of bonds operating on the market, and the idea of capital valuation and arbitrage in the conditions of stock exchange operation will be presented.

The second group of issues is related to the company's activity, including the capital structure of the company, assessment of its operations, and forecasting of future results. The assessment will be based on the company's results and appropriately conducted statistical and econometric methods.

The next group of issues includes the analysis of selected macroeconomic processes and elements, such as oil prices, gold prices, or crime problems and the risks associated with them.

Example topics for master’s theses:

  • Impact of the pandemic on financial markets - a quantitative and qualitative approach.
  • Analysis of the attractiveness of selected capital market instruments.
  • Attractiveness of investing on the stock exchange on the example of listed companies in a selected industry.
  • Effectiveness of pro-family policies in the Visegrad Group countries.
  • Payment card market - analysis and development prospects.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions in selected countries - a quantitative approach.
  • Musical preferences of Poles - analysis and assessment.
  • Crime in a selected country compared to other European Union countries.
  • Analysis of car accidents in Poland in selected years.
  • Impact of game premieres on the value of gaming sector companies listed on the stock exchange.
  • Analysis and forecast of gold prices on international markets.
  • Analysis of real estate prices and attractiveness in a selected area.

Anna Siemionek-Lepczyńska, PhD

Master's seminar

This seminar aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of current trends and challenges in the fields of finance. The seminar would be essential to examine contemporary issues affecting the finance sector.

Example of topics

  • The impact of blockchain technology on financial reporting.
  • Ethical challenges in financial management and reporting.
  • Sustainable finance. Strategies for incorporating ESG factors in investment decisions.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in financial processes.
  • Analysis of financial crisis and its effects.

Students are encouraged to choose a topic that resonates with their interests and career goals.

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Submitted on Thursday, 13. February 2025 - 12:29 by Maciej Goniszewski Changed on Thursday, 13. February 2025 - 12:32 by Maciej Goniszewski