About us

Faculty of Management

st. Armii Krajowej 101, 81-824 Sopot

Front of WZR

At present, the Faculty of Management is one of the largest faculties of the University of Gdańsk, enjoying vast popularity among secondary school graduates. Some 4,000 students in total are doing the full-time and part-time programmes. The Faculty prides itself on having the highest number of post-graduate students of all other faculties at the University of Gdańsk, and for several years it has been running part-time doctoral studies.

The academic staff of the Faculty consist of renowned specialists in various fields. They are sought-after by other higher education institutions, hold posts in scientific councils, supervisory boards or act as advisors in governmental and self-governmental structures. There are  136 research and teaching staff, including 8 Professors and 26 Professors UG holding the degree of habilitated doctor. The Faculty engages renowned practitioners in the field of economy, as well as directors of well-prospering companies to share their experience, and among the lecturers there are specialists in finance, banking, taxes, investments and real estate.

The Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk is involved in multifaceted international cooperation. The Faculty collaborates with 34 European institutions of higher education and enters into bilateral agreements, including with Valdosta University from the USA. The international cooperation also results in academic activity of the staff members in an international context. In the period 2007-2015 they participated in numerous international conferences and gave over 170 speeches in English with the papers subsequently published in scientific journals. The Faculty also hosts international conferences. The staff of the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk are members of international scientific associations and editorial committees of foreign scientific journals.



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Submitted on Thursday, 29. August 2024 - 12:31 by Krzysztof Kowalczyk Changed on Friday, 6. September 2024 - 14:28 by Krzysztof Kowalczyk