Research potential
The reputation of Marketing Department rests on achievements in three basic areas of activity: education, research and relations with business practice.
The researchers have been participating in numerous international projects, foreign workshops, trainings and Erasmus+ Programme with a module of Staff Mobility for Teaching for many years.
Ongoing scientific researches led by Marketing Department are as follows:
- A Comparative Study of Consumers Attitudes Towards Innovation in the Central and East European Countries, in the Light of the Global Aging Population" - Sylwia Badowska, PhD.
- Consumers bahavious regarding innovation – own research/ financed by Marketing Department funds, the project coordinator - Sylwia Badowska, PhD.
- Senior-consumers behaviour in the light of population ageing - own research/ financed by Marketing Department’s funds, the project coordinator - Sylwia Badowska, PhD.
Scientific researches that were successfully finished:
- Young Scientist Research: Model of consumer behavior under the conditions of technological changes on the running events market - quantitative and qualitative research (2018-2019; 2019-2020) - Liwia Delińska, MA.
- INDOPED (Modernizing Indonesian Higher Education with Tested European Pedagogical Practices) – ERASMUS+ project (Higher Education - Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education) realised together with 10 universities from Europe and Indonesia and SEAMOLEC (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Centre). The project member at University of Gdanskteam, 2019 - Sylwia Kuczamer-Kłopotowska PhD.
- Innovative Model of Social-economic Benefits and Costs for Infrastructural Projects - the project was co-financed by the National Centre of Research and Development under the programme “Social Innovations”. Currently it has been under implementation phase - Assoc. Prof. Robert Bęben.
- Young Scientist Research: Generational affiliation and purchasing behavior of consumers (2017-2018) - Liwia Delinska, MA.
- Young Scientist Research: The role of the Convention Bureau in shaping Poland's competitive potential against the background of the European Union Countries (2018) - Urszula Kęprowska, PhD.
- Young Scientist Research: The role of Local Tourist Organisations in shaping the competitive potential of Polish coastal cities (2017) - Urszula Kęprowska, MA.
- Young Scientist Research: Making purchasing decisions by modern consumers and the virtualization of marketing activities (2016-2017) - Liwia Delinska, MA.
- Conditionings of Knowledge Transfers and Innovative Activity of Enterprises (acronym COTRANS, 2015-2017) – Polish-Portuguese project, realised by University of Gdansk, WSB University in Torun and University of Technology in Porto. The project coordiantor: Anna Dziadkiewicz, PhD, the team: Wioleta Dryl, PhD, Tomasz Dryl, PhD.
- When does the luxury start? – Relativity of Luxury Good’ Concept. The Mechanism of Identification of Luxury and Marketing Strategies in the Luxury Good Industry. The project was financed by University of Gdansk. The project coordinator: Wioleta Dryl, PhD.
- Innovative Model of Social-Economical Benefits and Costs for Infrastructural Projects (NCBiR 2015, IS-2/88, 2015-2017) – a project co-financed by NCBiR, The project coordinator: prof. Anna Zamojska, the main contractor: prof. Robert Bęben, other contractors: Wioleta Dryl, PhD, Anna Dziadkiewicz, PhD, Tomasz Dryl, PhD.
- The Manager of the Future – the students’ competence capacity enhancement at the Faculty of Management (Menadżer Jutra – wzrost kompetencji studentów Wydziału Zarządzania UG kierunków Zarządzanie oraz Finanse i Rachunkowość), project financed by EFS, NCBiR in 2015, project team: Aleksandra Wiercińska, PhD (Accounting Department), Wioleta Dryl PhD, prof. Robert Bęben, Tomasz Dryl, PhD.
- Modern Technology in Marketing Communication – Tomasz Dryl PhD, own research, 2010, scientific project no. 2200-5-0438-0.
- Web 2.0 as a Part of Marketing Strategy for Virtual Enterprises – Tomasz Dryl PhD, own research, 2008, scientific project no. 2200-5-0225-8.
- Marketing Strategies of Polish Enterprises for EU markets – case studies – Tomasz Dryl PhD, own research, 2006, scientific project no. 2200-5-0146-6.
- RePro 2004 - Real-life Business Projects in Multicultural Student-Centred Learning – Leonardo da Vinci project, 2004 – 2005, a project member: Sylwia Kuczamer-Kłopotowska, PhD.
For several years Robert Bęben has been participating in marketing research on tourism and tourism management carried out in cooperation with the Professor B. Synak Pomeranian Scientific Institute and Tourism Organisation of Gdańsk. He was a member of a team of experts, consisting of representatives of four universities (Warsaw School of Economics, University of Wrocław, EU in Poznań and University of Gdańsk), established within a joint initiative of the cities of Gdańsk, Poznań, Warsaw and Wrocław to develop a common methodology for tourism research. He also conducted research on marketing aspects of road investments in the southern districts of Gdańsk and participated in the project "Innovative model of socio-economic benefits and costs in infrastructure projects" The project was co-financed by NCBiR under contract IS-2/88/NCBR/2015.
In 2018, Robert Bęben received the "Primium Cooperatio" award granted by Pomeranian Employers to "the representatives of the Pomeranian academic community for outstanding scientific achievements combined with documented activity in the implementation of their own scientific achievements in the economy".
Together with Anna Dziadkiewicz, Robert Bęben is currently involved in the project "SB WELL - Wellbeing Tourism in the South Baltic Region - Guidelines for good practices & promotion". Project is funded under the South Baltic Interreg Programme (No STHB.02.01.00-SE-0137/17). Anna Dziadkiewicz is the Head Information Manager in the project, being responsible for its overall promotion and dissemination.
Liwia Delinska’s scientific interests are focused on consumer behaviour and technological changes in marketing. So far she has studied the purchasing patterns of young buyers. She is currently involved in research for her doctoral dissertation in the area of running events. She conducted a survey among Polish participants of running events (motives, consumer expectations and decision making process). In the future she would like to extend the research to international markets.
Wioleta Dryl, Anna Dziadkiewicz, Urszula Kęprowska and Tomasz Dryl are also members of International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), founded in 2015, which is the non-profit organization that promotes the innovations of Science, Engineering and Technology across the world. In addition to traditional science / engineering / technology disciplines, IETI includes Financial Engineering, Financial Econometrics, Financial Statistics, and Mathematics, Statistics, Social Sciences and Business. As Technical Committee team, they took part in 4th International Workshop on Economics and Management in Hong Kong, and in the 2nd World Symposium on Economics, Business and Management, which was organized by International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) and International Research Institute for Economics and Management (IRIEM).